
Messenger problems: Solving Messenger error code 81000306 at sign-in

Some of you have problems while trying to sign in to Messenger, receiving error code 81000306. Let’s take a look at the solution.

  • Open the Messenger status website at . If you see a green check there, that means that the Messenger service is running, and you can continue with the next step. If the service is not running properly, check back later, until it is running. Continue with the next step then.
  • Delete the Windows Live Messenger proxy settings.
    • Start Messenger.
    • Open the menu next to your display name, and click Options.
    • In the left column, choose Connection.
    • At Connection settings, click the button Advanced settings.
    • Delete the SOCKS entries.
    • Click OK, then again OK.
    • After you have deleted the proxy settings, retry to sign in to Messenger. If it still doesn’t work, continue with the next step.

  • If you are using Windows Vista, disable the auto-tuning feature.
    • Click Start, All Programs, Accessories.
    • Right-click the entry Command Prompt, and choose Run as administrator.
    • When Windows prompts for your consent, click Continue.
    • Now enter the following line in the command prompt, and press Enter:
      netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled
    • Note: using this command, you are disabling the Windows auto-tuning feature.
    • Now retry to sign in to Messenger.
    • If it still doesn’t work, re-enable the auto-tuning feature by repeating the preceding steps, yet typing this line instead:
      netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal
  • If you are using Windows Vista and a router (e.g. made by Linksys, Netgear, D-Link) to connect to the Internet, visit your manufacturer’s website to check for updates to your router’s firmware.

If these steps do not resolve your problem with Windows Live Messenger error code 81000306, please refer to to get further support.



  1. tnx.. this fixed my (netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled) live messenger in win7 connection problem. 🙂

  2. Many thanks! Problem with live messenger on Vista now resolved thanks to netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled.

  3. Vielen Dank! Problem mit Live Messenger auf Vista jetzt gelöst dank netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel = disabled.

  4. quero saber que problema afetou o Windows Live Messenger. Porque quando tento entrar não consigo, pois aparece um aviso que diz sobre algum erro e também fala desse relatório de erros. Como eu faço para resolver este problema?

  5. how did I get that problem anyway ?
    it is to difficult to solve that problem with this manual,
    and I refuse to adjust any vista settings just to solve a
    problem I didn’t inflict in the first place.
    my other MSN account works fine so why this problem and the sudden need
    to make dangerous changes in my settings ?
    who ensures me after these changes something else
    would not be influenced or damaged ?

  6. My boyfriend can log onto his messenger account on my computer just fine but I can’t log onto mine, just getting this error code. Tried the fix mentioned here and problem still persists.

  7. sorry, i cannot login in after the steps. But i can sign in with another account.

  8. Hey i cant find the green check option…… and how to solv the problem with windows XP ?????
    Could anyone plz help me out ?????

  9. Hello. I have not been able to solve 81000306 problem through deleting the SOCKS. I have tried running the command prompt as administrator but my computer has restricted it as I have forgotten the password… Is there another way to solve the problem other than command prompt? I am using Windows XP. Thank you.

  10. I followed all the steps and I’m still getting the same error message and haven’t been able to sign in for hours although I could this morning, with no problem then …

  11. nopes, It did not help me, I am still unable to sign in to messenger. getting the same error, have tried everything except uninstalling it,.

  12. hola .. I have a problem when I start messenguer secion in a few seconds and closes again and uninstalled it three times and reinstalled it but still preoblema already look at this virus but does not want to know how I can do or what page I can go .. thanks

  13. hello….
    my problem is when i start sign msn , its open but when i chat with other i cannot recive their reply>>>

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