Some of you have problems while trying to sign in to Messenger, receiving error code 81000306. Let’s take a look at the solution.
Tag: MSN
Preview of new MSN homepage, getting socialized
Today Microsoft unvealed its new format for the homepage in a public preview.
What are the most interesting changes?
History and Future of Live Search and Bing
When you visit these days, you get a notification banner within the Bing homepage: “Your access to the Bing homepage from will stop soon.” What will we see at in the future?
Minor update for Messenger Plus! Live: 4.83
All the noise around Windows 7—and a new build of Messenger Plus! is released. What’s new? The most important changes: Improved network hooking mechanism. For some people, this will improve how Messenger Plus! catches various network events (used for notifications, the event viewer, …). For other people, this will solve
More than 20,000 Hotmail passwords leaked
Several thousands passwords for European users of Microsoft’s e-mail and identity service Hotmail/Windows Live ID have been published on the Web, according to information published by Neowin. The Windows Live team states: We immediately requested that the credentials be removed and launched an investigation to determine the impact to customers.
Stai sicuro e protetto dal phishing via Messenger
Alcuni di voi hanno chiesto in Max Messenger se fosse possibile mostrare i contatti che sono “connessi” ma con lo stato “Invisibile”. Non c’è un modo! Neanche usando programmini aggiuntivi o alcuni siti web. Questi siti garantiscono che è possibile. Ma in realtà non lo è! Sono siti web di
Stay secure and don’t get phished via Messenger
Some of you have asked Max Messenger whether there is a possibility to display who in your contacts is “online” but has set their status to “Appear offline”. There is no such possibility! Not even using an additional program or via some websites. Those sites claim that it is possible.
Sicher bleiben und nicht auf Messenger-Phishing hereinfallen
Einige von Euch haben Max Messenger gefragt, ob es eine Möglichkeit gibt, anzuzeigen, wer von Euren Kontakten eigentlich „online“ ist, seinen Status aber auf „Als offline anzeigen“ gestellt hat. Diese Möglichkeit gibt es nicht! Auch nicht mit einem zusätzlichen Programm oder über irgendwelche Webseiten. Auf diesen Seiten wird behauptet, dass
Ritiro graduale di Windows Live Messenger 8.1, 8.5 e 2009 QFE1
Ci siamo impegnati di procurare un’esperienza sicura, affidabile e positiva per tutti i nostri 300 milioni di utenti sparsi per il globo che utilizzano Windows Live Messenger ogni mese. Per portare a termine l’impegno, iniziato il 25 Agosto, abbiamo cominciato a chiedere ai nostri utenti di passare dalle versioni 8.1,8.5
Unterstützung für Messenger 8.1, 8.5 und 2009 QFE1 wird eingestellt
Unser oberstes Ziel ist es, ein sicheres und positives Erlebnis für unsere mehr als 300 Millionen Kunden anzubieten, die Windows Live Messenger rund um den Erdball jeden Monat nutzen. Damit wir diesem Ziel gerecht werden können, bieten wir Kunden, die Version 8.1, 8.5 und 14.0 nutzen, seit 25. August an,