“Beginning on August 25, we started asking our customers using versions 8.1, 8.5 and 14.0 to upgrade to the newest version of Messenger.” This is what the Windows Live Messenger team is announcing in regards to phasing out old Messenger versions in the coming weeks. Here is the roadmap.
Tag: MSN
Messenger problems: Solving sign-in error code 80048051
You receive error code 80048051 when you try to sign in to Messenger? Try these steps.
10 anos de Messenger: Girando a roda do tempo (Parte II)
mynetx relembra os tempos de MSN Messenger 6 – bons tempos!
10 years Messenger: Turning the time wheel (Part II)
Remember the good old times when Windows 98 was so cool? These were the times of MSN Messenger 6, a stone-age program nowadays. Some months ago, in February, I had the chance to check it out, and I decided to share it with you. What is interesting is that you
10 Jahre Messenger: Am Rad der Zeit drehen (Teil II)
Erinnerst du dich noch an die guten alten Zeiten, als Windows 98 so cool war? Das waren die Zeiten von MSN Messenger 6 – den würde man heute als Steinzeit-Programm einstufen. Einige Monate ist es her, im Februar, da konnte ich ein Bild bekommen, und ich hab mir gedacht, ich
10 anni di Messenger: Girando la ruota del tempo (Parte II)
Ricordate i bei vecchi tempi di quando Windows 98 era così figo? Erano i tempi di MSN Messenger 6, un programma ormai obsoleto. Qualche mese fa, a Febbraio, ho avuto l’opportunità di povarlo, ed ho deciso di condividerlo con voi. La cosa interessante è che si può vedere l’immagine personale
10 anni di Messenger: Girando la ruota del tempo (Parte I)
Il giorno 22 Luglio 1999, Microsoft rilasciò il successorre di NetMetting, MSN Messenger 1.0. Portiamo la ruota del tempo esattamente a 10 anni fa. Cosa possiamo vedere? Diamo un’occhiata all’album di foto. Guarda l’album intero
Os 5 melhores scripts para o Messenger Plus! Live
Bram dá sua opinião sobre quais scripts ele acha que todos deveriam usar, por serem excelentes. Foram escolhidos o WLMSafe, Screenshot Sender, Gmail Checker, WLMStatus e Twittwer2PSM. De-a sua opinião também nos comentários!
Top 5 Messenger Plus! Live scripts
Hi there! This is my first post here at mynetx – Windows Live Enhanced. You probably all know the immense popular add-on for Windows Live Messenger? If not, visit msgpluslive.net. Most people just use it for tabbed chat windows, the boss-protection function or maybe the colored messages, nicknames, etc. Well
Windows Live and You: “Windows Live services help me keep in touch” (Lance Manasse)
After a longer break, the summer edition of the series “Windows Live and You” is finally back. Today I will be talking with Lance Manasse, who lives in the United Kingdom and is also known by his nickname “Salem”. mynetx: Please tell me a bit about yourself. Is your life