Microsoft Singapore have recently released their web-based Messenger, built on top of the Messenger Library. You don’t need to install anything, as messaging works out-of-the-box. Check it out for free: What do you think?
Tag: WebIM
Windows Live und Du: „Die richtige Plattform schaffen, mit der Websites sich an Windows Live-Nutzer anschließen“ (Angus Logan, Microsoft)
Willkommen zu einem neuen Interview in der Sommerausgabe der Serie „Windows Live und du“! Heute habe ich einen besonderen Gast eingeladen, um mit ihm über seinen persönlichen Bezug zu Windows Live zu sprechen: heißen wir Angus Logan willkommen, Senior Technischer Produktleiter für Live-Dienste bei Microsoft. mynetx: Angus, ich freue mich,
Windows Live e Você: “Construindo a plataforma certa para websites se conectarem a usuários de Windows Live” (Angus Logan, Microsoft)
mynetx entrevista Angus Logan, Gerente Sênior de Produtos Técnicos para Serviços Live na Microsoft, e debatem sobre a história de Logan, e o que poderia vir na Wave 4.
Windows Live and You: “Building the right platform for web sites to plug into Windows Live users” (Angus Logan, Microsoft)
Welcome to a new interview in the summer edition of the series “Windows Live and You”! Today I have invited a special guest to talk with him about his personal relation to Windows Live: let’s welcome Angus Logan, Senior Technical Product Manager for Live Services at Microsoft. mynetx: Angus, it
End of life for MSN Web Messenger: 30 June 2009
The Windows Live team has announced the end of life for MSN Web Messenger. Since Windows Live now supports instant messaging integrated into both Hotmail and People, there is no need to maintain 2 web messengers at the same time. Additionally, site owners are free to get their own web
Messenger in Hotmail: You got it now?
According to the most recent announcements, Messenger in Windows Live Hotmail is now available for customers in Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, and the US. If you are living in one of these countries, you will now be able to chat with your Messenger contacts directly from your
Messenger in Hotmail: Hast du ihn nun?
Laut den neuesten Ankündigungen ist Messenger in Windows Live Hotmail nun für Kunden in Brasilien, Kanada, China, Deutschland, den Niederlanden, Norwegen und den USA verfügbar. Falls du in einem dieser Länder lebst, kannst du nun mit deinen Messenger-Kontakten direkt von deinem Hotmail-Posteingang chatten. Das Hotmail-Team schreibt: Wir freuen uns anzukündigen,
Live Wave 3: the next round will start soon (UPDATE)
As various hints indicate, the phase 3 of the Windows Live Services Wave 3 update will start between December 5th and December 12th, 2008. Update: Numerous sources confirm that the Web Services (not the Clients) will roll out from December 1st until December 8th, 2008. What does this Wave 3