Ribbons sind überall. Ursprünglich in Office 2007 eingeführt als neuer Weg, auf Benutzeroberflächen zuzugreifen, sehe ich sie heute in Windows-Werkzeugen wie Wordpad oder Paint, und natürlich auch in allen Office-Anwendungen. Windows 7 hat das zugrunde liegende Scenic Ribbon UI Framework gefördert, und laut den letzten Neuigkeiten wird es sogar für
Tag: Office
Ribbon UI and Windows Live Writer
Ribbon is everywhere. Originally introduced as new way of using User Interfaces in Office 2007, today I see it in Windows user tools, such as Wordpad and Paint, as well as all the Office applications, of course. Windows 7 has made a big move in implementing the underlying Scenic Ribbon
Windows Live und Du: „Die richtige Plattform schaffen, mit der Websites sich an Windows Live-Nutzer anschließen“ (Angus Logan, Microsoft)
Willkommen zu einem neuen Interview in der Sommerausgabe der Serie „Windows Live und du“! Heute habe ich einen besonderen Gast eingeladen, um mit ihm über seinen persönlichen Bezug zu Windows Live zu sprechen: heißen wir Angus Logan willkommen, Senior Technischer Produktleiter für Live-Dienste bei Microsoft. mynetx: Angus, ich freue mich,
Windows Live e Você: “Construindo a plataforma certa para websites se conectarem a usuários de Windows Live” (Angus Logan, Microsoft)
mynetx entrevista Angus Logan, Gerente Sênior de Produtos Técnicos para Serviços Live na Microsoft, e debatem sobre a história de Logan, e o que poderia vir na Wave 4.
Windows Live and You: “Building the right platform for web sites to plug into Windows Live users” (Angus Logan, Microsoft)
Welcome to a new interview in the summer edition of the series “Windows Live and You”! Today I have invited a special guest to talk with him about his personal relation to Windows Live: let’s welcome Angus Logan, Senior Technical Product Manager for Live Services at Microsoft. mynetx: Angus, it
Windows Live and You: “Windows Live services help me keep in touch” (Lance Manasse)
After a longer break, the summer edition of the series “Windows Live and You” is finally back. Today I will be talking with Lance Manasse, who lives in the United Kingdom and is also known by his nickname “Salem”. mynetx: Please tell me a bit about yourself. Is your life
Windows Live and You: “Development of Messenger has been phenomenal” (Sean Bradford, Neowin)
Ever wanted to meet an unofficial Microsoft Evangelist? Sean Bradford is one of them, and he has some interesting points on Messenger and the other Windows Live products. mynetx: Wonderful that you take some minutes to talk with me about Windows Live and You. Please tell me a bit about
Reason for Error 810003c1
Are you getting Error 810003c1: “We were unable to sign you in to the .NET Messenger Service” when trying to sign in to Messenger recently? Microsoft has cut off several countries from using Messenger, countries that are embargoed by the United States. These are: Cuba, Syria, Iran, Sudan and North
Hotmail POP access now worldwide
After the unexpected Hotmail outage, POP access is now available to all Windows Live Hotmail customers worldwide! How to use POP with Hotmail I will show you the example of Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, but other mail clients are similar. Click “Tools”, “Account Settings…”. On the “E-mail” tab, click “New…”.
Bringing your own touch to the Windows Live Sign-in
Keeping your Corporate / Site Identity, while using Windows Live Authentication – this has not been possible in the past. The Authentication APIs, namely Web Authentication and Delegated Authentication, do not allow any changing of the Live Sign-in page to adopt your website design and thus a seamless transition while