Play any song instantly, using streaming technology powered by and Grooveshark: With LiveSong, you don’t need the MP3 file locally. Listen to a song that somebody recommends you without worrying about where to find it.
Tag: music
Top 5 Messenger Plus! Live scripts
Hi there! This is my first post here at mynetx – Windows Live Enhanced. You probably all know the immense popular add-on for Windows Live Messenger? If not, visit Most people just use it for tabbed chat windows, the boss-protection function or maybe the colored messages, nicknames, etc. Well
Opera Unite vs. Windows Live, or: How will the client-server future look like?
Opera Unite, released as Beta on 16 June, can transform any computer into a web server. How might the underlying idea this affect our daily web usage? Once upon a time, web servers were invented. These used to serve first static, then dynamic content to clients, to us. The basis
Xbox 360 gets socialized
Microsoft announced today on its E3 Press Conference that Facebook, Twitter and integration will be brought to the Xbox 360 dashboard. Tweeting will be easy as nothing from your Xbox. You can now view photos, make friends, and otherwise interact on Facebook directly from the game console. With Facebook
Love Coldplay? Get new Live album “LeftRightLeftRightLeft” for free!
“Playing live is what we love. This album is a thank you to our fans—the people who give us a reason to do it and make it happen,” says Coldplay. Do you love Coldplay? Check out “LeftRightLeftRightLeft”, the album that the band is giving out to every visitor of the
Windows Live and You: “I use a variety of the Live services” (Jonathan Kay)
This time I spoke with a member of the Windows Live Community about his thoughts and ideas. Many of you might know Jonathan Kay as a helpful Messenger expert. mynetx: Nice to see you! Windows Live and You—that includes some personal questions as well. You could start with describing yourself
How-to: Convert audio and video to a different format
Somebody sent you a *.wmv video, but you need it in *.mpg format? You bought *.wma music, but your mobile player only supports *.mp3? A friend of mine has created a tool making it easy to transcode audio and video files to different formats. How does the tool work? The
How-to: Backups maken en herstellen van uw Plus! voorkeuren
Op een dag was ik eens te denken over nuttige scripts voor Messenger Plus! Live. Ik ging eens kijken in het huidige programma en speelde wat met de “Importeer / Exporteer voorkeuren” optie in de Messenger Plus! voorkeuren. Wat ik daar zag, was de optie waarmee je maken van een
How-to: Backup and restore your Plus! preferences
The other day I was once again thinking of useful add-ons adding functions in Messenger. I went around and played with the “Import/export preferences” option inside the Messenger Plus! preferences. From what I saw, the option is creating a binary *.pld file containing your settings. You would have to export
Am Pranger: YouTube
Das Videoportal YouTube sperrt in Deutschland alle Musikvideos. Eben war hier noch das Silbermond-Video „Irgendwas bleibt“. Nun ist nur noch ein Hinweis: „Dieses Video ist in deinem Land nicht verfügbar“, erklärt YouTube, mit 100 Millionen abgerufenen Filmen täglich erfolgreichste Videoseite im Internet. Silbermond sind nicht allein: Seit Dienstagabend hat die