
Windows 7 browser ballot screen accepted by European Union

Microsoft may distribute Windows 7 with the browser ballot screen proposed by the Windows team. The European Commission accepted the offer. From Windows 7 onwards, the user sees a selection dialog to install other browsers than Internet Explorer, when they set up the system. Within the dialog, the 5 most

This Week’s Thoughts: Hidden data

Many people send texts, spreadsheets, photos and videos—while not knowing that they contain much information that other people can discover with ease and that might be indiscreet. Who has collaborated on the text? How often has it been revised? What camera and aperture has been used to take the photo?

Cloud computing and the environment

Being environmentally friendly, also known as “going green,” is very common, with more people getting the idea to save energy and resources. This might include shutting your computer down at nights vs. just using its stand-by mode; it might also include switching off devices when you don’t need them; but

Problemi Messenger: la scrittura a mano non funziona

Se vuoi passare alla funzione scrittura a mano in Messenger, ma non funziona, prova a fare come spiegato di seguito: Installa Microsoft Windows Journal Viewer 1.5. Riavvia il tuo computer dopo aver completato l’installazione. Poi, installa l’aggiornamento sicurezza per Windows Journal Viewer. Riavvia di nuovo il tuo computer. Ora entra