Messenger for Mac 8 does not use the modern emoticons introduced in Windows Live Wave 3.
Tag: Emoticons
How-to: Show emoticons in Messenger conversations
You wonder why no emoticons are showing up in chats with your friends? Here’s a solution.
Messenger 2010: Get the new emoticons now!
Messenger 2010 will get a new set of emoticons. You don’t want to wait until Windows Live 2010 (Wave 4) is released? There is a way how you can use the new emoticons right now.
Upcoming project releases at mynetx Creations
I thought it was about time to let you know what I am currently working on. While you can find the complete list at the Projects page, here is a summary of the most interesting bits. MPLCode A Messenger Plus! script for sending/receiving programming codes formatted instead of plain-text. WLMStatus
How-to: Internet Explorer 8—Add Gallery emoticons to Messenger
If you are using Internet Explorer 8 and see the following note when trying to add emoticons from Windows Live Gallery to Messenger: “This feature is only available in Internet Explorer 6.0 and higher.”, try this tip to get the import working again. In Internet Explorer, click Tools, then Compatibility
Windows Live und Du: „Die richtige Plattform schaffen, mit der Websites sich an Windows Live-Nutzer anschließen“ (Angus Logan, Microsoft)
Willkommen zu einem neuen Interview in der Sommerausgabe der Serie „Windows Live und du“! Heute habe ich einen besonderen Gast eingeladen, um mit ihm über seinen persönlichen Bezug zu Windows Live zu sprechen: heißen wir Angus Logan willkommen, Senior Technischer Produktleiter für Live-Dienste bei Microsoft. mynetx: Angus, ich freue mich,
Windows Live e Você: “Construindo a plataforma certa para websites se conectarem a usuários de Windows Live” (Angus Logan, Microsoft)
mynetx entrevista Angus Logan, Gerente Sênior de Produtos Técnicos para Serviços Live na Microsoft, e debatem sobre a história de Logan, e o que poderia vir na Wave 4.
Windows Live and You: “Building the right platform for web sites to plug into Windows Live users” (Angus Logan, Microsoft)
Welcome to a new interview in the summer edition of the series “Windows Live and You”! Today I have invited a special guest to talk with him about his personal relation to Windows Live: let’s welcome Angus Logan, Senior Technical Product Manager for Live Services at Microsoft. mynetx: Angus, it
Windows Live and You: “Windows Live services help me keep in touch” (Lance Manasse)
After a longer break, the summer edition of the series “Windows Live and You” is finally back. Today I will be talking with Lance Manasse, who lives in the United Kingdom and is also known by his nickname “Salem”. mynetx: Please tell me a bit about yourself. Is your life
The 256 colors experiment, Part I
Nowadays, displays offer a rich variety of colors, mostly 32-bit, allowing a multitude of 4,294,967,296 different colors—more than 4 billion! Graphic artists tend to use more and more of these possibilities. Messenger is one of them, especially in version 2009, also known as Wave 3. But if you have a