
Upcoming project releases at mynetx Creations

I thought it was about time to let you know what I am currently working on. While you can find the complete list at the Projects page, here is a summary of the most interesting bits. MPLCode A Messenger Plus! script for sending/receiving programming codes formatted instead of plain-text. WLMStatus

So geht’s: Unterwegs sicher bleiben im Internet

Wenn es nur um deinen eigenen Computer geht, ist alles normalerweise nicht ganz so tragisch. Doch wenn du nicht zuhause bist, zum Beispiel wenn du das Internet bei einem Freund, in der Schule oder in der Bücherei nutzt, solltest du dir schon Gedanken über SIcherheit und die Privatsphäre deiner Daten

How-to get your webcam working again in Messenger

You have a webcam, connect it to your computer, but Messenger doesn’t recognize it? There are several tips you might try out. Restart Messenger. The camera might appear now. Doesn’t work? Restart Windows, having the webcam plugged in (if external). Is the cable connected correctly? Look in “My Computer” (Windows


I have created several scripts and tools—here is a small excerpt. Messenger Plus! Scripts Bible Quoter Provides access to bible quotes right in the chat window (supports: ESV, > KJV, NASB, NKJV). More info… Bing Searches Bing for a term and displays the result directly in the chat window. More