Am 22. Juli 1999 veröffentlichte Microsoft den Nachfolger für NetMeeting, MSN Messenger 1.0. Lass uns das Rad der Zeit um genau 10 Jahre zurückdrehen. Was könnten wir sehen? Seht euch dieses Fotoalbum an. Ganzes Album anzeigen
Messenger problems: Resolving sign-in error 80072ef3
Are you using Windows Live Messenger in a corporate intranet, and experiencing the error code 80072ef3 when trying to sign in? Changed port configurations in Messenger 2009 cause this error to happen, and you will have to bypass your corporate proxy for the Messenger servers.
Messenger problemleri: Giriş yaparken karşılaştığınız 80072ee2 ve 80072efd hata kodları ve çözümleri
Bu yazı Windows Live Messenger 80072ee2 ve 80072efd hatalarını çözmenize ışık tutuyor. Güvenlik duvarı yapılandırması ve proxy ayarlarınızı kontrol ederek düzeltebilirsiniz.
* Windows FirewallGüvenlik duvarınızı yapılandırmak için;
o Eğer Windows XP kullanıyorsanız:
Messenger problems: Sign-in errors 80072ee2 and 80072efd and their solution
This post sheds light on how to solve Windows Live Messenger errors 80072ee2 and 80072efd occurring on sign-in. You can fix them by configuring the firewall and checking your proxy settings. Configuring your firewall You are using Windows XP? Click Start, Control Panel, Windows Firewall. Switch to the Exceptions tab.
Messenger problems: Your quick fix for sign-in error 80048821
Windows Live Messenger could not sign you in because the Windows Live ID does not exist or is incorrect. If you have forgotten your password, click Forgot your password? at the bottom of the main Messenger window. You cannot sign in to Messenger because all you see when you try
Messenger problemleri: Giriş yaparken karşılaştığınız hata kodu 80048821 için hızlı çözüm
Messenger’a giriş yapmaya çalışırken 80048821 hata kodu ile karşılaşıp giriş yapamıyor musunuz? Saklanan giriş bilgilerini sıfırlayarak bu sorunu çözebilirsiniz. Adımlara göz atın.
# sitesine girin.
Messenger problems: How to solve error code 8e5e0713
Here is now to solve error code 8e5e0713 when you try to sign in to Messenger. In short, you have to configure your firewall correctly. Let’s have a look at the single steps.
The 256 colors experiment, Part I
Nowadays, displays offer a rich variety of colors, mostly 32-bit, allowing a multitude of 4,294,967,296 different colors—more than 4 billion! Graphic artists tend to use more and more of these possibilities. Messenger is one of them, especially in version 2009, also known as Wave 3. But if you have a
I still remember the times when there was only limited amount of disk space available (hard disk sizes of 20 MB were common), so keeping files as small as possible was most important. This prerequisite has gone, but there is another one: not everybody has a high-speed web connection! Sure:
Messenger problems: Solution for Messenger sign-in error 8100030d
As promised, today we will be talking about how to fix error 8100030d when trying to sign in to Windows Live Messenger. The solution is to empty your Contacts cache. The single steps depend on your Windows version.