
Browser Ballott: Microsoft and EU Might Come to Agreement

A contract to choose a default browser for Windows might be probable—revealed the financial news agency, Bloomberg in a report. “We’ve concluded our discussions with Microsoft,” Phillip Lowe, director general of the commission’s competition department, said in an interview at Brussels yesterday.

MS Talk: Audio Interview With Marcus Schmidt

Over the past one and a half years, Microsoft has engaged in social media. This has helped to get in touch with us as customers and created a positive buzz around Windows and Windows Live. Social communities like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube play an important role in this.

Upgrade for Microsoft Security Essentials

The Windows Live OneCare successor Microsoft Security Essentials (code name “Morro”), currently in closed beta at Microsoft Connect, has been upgraded to version 1.0.1500.0. The update is delivered using the built-in updater, and brings us a new system notification icon. The final release is expected for the end of 2009.