
Peeking into Bing for Messenger

Microsoft is renaming Live Search to “Bing” and launching it publicly from June 1 to June 3, 2009. Rather than being another search engine, it claims being a “decision engine” answering prominent questions you are interested in (read more). Along with the Bing website, there will be a Messenger Plus!

Reason for Error 810003c1

Are you getting Error 810003c1: “We were unable to sign you in to the .NET Messenger Service” when trying to sign in to Messenger recently? Microsoft has cut off several countries from using Messenger, countries that are embargoed by the United States. These are: Cuba, Syria, Iran, Sudan and North

Phunk’n 2: The popular skin, reinvented

Multimedia designer and star skinner Will Ingles has released the Messenger 2009 version of his popular skin set Phunk’n. I had to completely recode the entire skin and re-think certain parts of the skin to suit Messenger 2009. While most of the skin retains the layout from the previous version