
Stay secure and don’t get phished via Messenger

Some of you have asked Max Messenger whether there is a possibility to display who in your contacts is “online” but has set their status to “Appear offline”. There is no such possibility! Not even using an additional program or via some websites. Those sites claim that it is possible.

Come fare: Personalizzare la tua home di Windows Live

Sapevi che puoi personalizzare l’aspetto della tua home page di Windows Live a seconda delle tue esigenze? Ecco come: Apri e clicca su Opzioni, poi su Personalizza questa pagina. Per cambiare l’ordine, scegli l’elemento da muovere cliccandolo nella sezione Aspetto della pagina. Clicca i pulsanti SPOSTA SU o SPOSTA

How-to: Customize your Windows Live Home

Did you know that you can customize the layout on your Windows Live Home page according to your personal wishes? Here is how to: Open and click on Options, then Customize this page. To change the order, choose the element to move by clicking it in the Page layout

So geht’s: Windows Live-Startseite anpassen

Wusstest du schon, dass du auf deiner persönlichen Windows Live Startseite das Layout nach deinem Geschmack anpassen kannst? So geht’s: Klicke oben rechts auf auf Optionen, und klicke anschließend auf Diese Seite personalisieren. Wähle zum Ändern der Reihenfolge der Inhalte im Abschnitt Seitenlayout das Element aus, das du verschieben