Some of you have asked Max Messenger whether there is a possibility to display who in your contacts is “online” but has set their status to “Appear offline”. There is no such possibility! Not even using an additional program or via some websites. Those sites claim that it is possible.
Tag: How-to
Come fare: Personalizzare la tua home di Windows Live
Sapevi che puoi personalizzare l’aspetto della tua home page di Windows Live a seconda delle tue esigenze? Ecco come: Apri e clicca su Opzioni, poi su Personalizza questa pagina. Per cambiare l’ordine, scegli l’elemento da muovere cliccandolo nella sezione Aspetto della pagina. Clicca i pulsanti SPOSTA SU o SPOSTA
How-to: Customize your Windows Live Home
Did you know that you can customize the layout on your Windows Live Home page according to your personal wishes? Here is how to: Open and click on Options, then Customize this page. To change the order, choose the element to move by clicking it in the Page layout
So geht’s: Windows Live-Startseite anpassen
Wusstest du schon, dass du auf deiner persönlichen Windows Live Startseite das Layout nach deinem Geschmack anpassen kannst? So geht’s: Klicke oben rechts auf auf Optionen, und klicke anschließend auf Diese Seite personalisieren. Wähle zum Ändern der Reihenfolge der Inhalte im Abschnitt Seitenlayout das Element aus, das du verschieben
How-to: Connect to a synced folder with Windows Live Sync
If you have Windows Live Sync installed on your computer, you can connect a computer to a synchronized folder to synchronize files. You must install the Sync software from the Sync website, on every computer that you want to synchronize files on. You can connect multiple computers to a personal
Come fare: ritagliare foto con Windows Live Raccolta Foto
A volte, mentre sfogli le foto della tua vacanza, noti magari un cestino dell’immondizia proprio vicino all’attrazione turistica più importante che hai visitato o semplicemente pensi che solo una parte di foto è veramente interessante. Usa l’opzione ritaglia foto di Windows Live Raccolta Foto e ottimizza la foto per adattarla
Nasıl Yapılır: Windows Live Photo Gallery ile Fotoğraf Kırpma
Bazen en güzel ve ilginç gezi fotoğraflarında bile çöp kutuları veya göze hoş gelmeyen şeyler görürüz veya fotoğrafın sadece bir bölümünü beğeniriz. Windows Live Photo Gallery’deki kırpma özelliğini kullanarak fotoğraflarınızı kendi isteklerinize göre optimize edebilirsiniz.
So geht’s: Fotos mit Windows Live Fotogalerie zuschneiden
Manchmal sieht man neben den schönsten Sehenswürdigkeiten Mülltonnen, doch das bemerkt man meist erst wenn man sich die Fotos nach dem Urlaub ansieht; oder du möchtest einfach nur einen bestimmten Ausschnitt eines Fotos betonen. Mit dem Zuschneiden-Werkzeug in Windows Live Fotogalerie kannst du Fotos ganz einfach nach deinem Geschmack bearbeiten.
How-to: Cropping photos with Windows Live Photo Gallery
Sometimes you see waste bins next to the most interesting sightseeing highlights when you look through your vacation photos, or just a certain area within a photo is interesting. Use the Crop feature in Windows Live Photo Gallery to optimize the photo to suit your wishes. Open the photo you
Clear your search history in Windows Live Toolbar
Windows Live Toolbar remembers what you have searched for lately. Here is how you can empty this search history: Start Internet Explorer. In the toolbar’s search box, enter the first letter of a phrase you have search for previously. Then click on “Clear previous searches”. Notes: To repeat a search,