“Wave 4:” In few weeks, Microsoft is releasing new versions of Windows Live services. After a long internal test phase with thousands of Microsoft employees, the first release is at hand. Next, end users will get involved. Your feedback will make Windows Live Wave 4 complete.
Category: Messenger
Released as MSN Messenger in July 1999 and as Windows Live Messenger in December 2005, Messenger is an instant messaging client connecting to the .NET Messenger Service, with over 330 million active users each month.
Been trying Messenger 2010? Problems might come up. (Update)
You have been trying Messenger 2010 recently after downloading and installing the leaked Milestone 2 beta 15.2.2583.119? You might get problems when you want to go back to Messenger 2009.
Messenger problems: Solving Messenger error code 81000306 at sign-in
Some of you have problems while trying to sign in to Messenger, receiving error code 81000306. Let’s take a look at the solution.
Messenger 2010 to introduce paid badges
Windows Live Messenger 2010, codenamed “Wave 4,” will add badges to your profile. Badges are small icons that you can use to show that you are supporting a certain team or idea; they are campaigns or affiliations that you can place on your profile.
Messenger problems: Contacts appear offline while being online?
For the past several hours or so, the Messenger servers have been showing the majority of contacts offline. You can however still talk to contacts using offline message. There were other similar issues earlier on in the day and the problem just seems to have progressively gotten worse.
Messenger 2010: Get all scene backgrounds now!
Windows Live Wave 4 introduces several new scenes. These will appear in Messenger, in the web services header, as well as on the Windows Live for mobile site. You are eager to get these scenes already?
Messenger Problems: Resolving error 80048820
Numerous users of Windows Live Messenger are currently experiencing the error code 80048820 when they try to sign in to Messenger. If you are getting this error as well, the reason might be that you have invalid characters in the first name of your user profile.
Techies Insider: A look at Messenger’s client caps
You’re interested in possible Client Capabilities of Messenger 2010? Take a look at this summary of the current dogfood build 2583.
Getting Messenger sign-in error 8004820 solved
There is a new solution for the Windows Live Messenger error code 8004820. If you get this error, maybe the only problem is that your system clock has the wrong date set.