
Esperimento a 256 colori, Parte II: rendering dei Browser

Cosa succede quando tenti di accedere alla HomePage di Windows Live al sito a 256 colori? Bella domanda. La risposta è: dipende dal tuo browser. Perché? Perché lo sfondo (l’“onda”) è renderizzata differentemente, a seconda del motore di rendering utilizzato dal browser. Ma—dai tu stesso un’occhiata: Questo è Internet

Das 256-Farben-Experiment, Teil II: Browser-Darstellungen

Was geschieht, wenn du versuchst, mit 256 Farben die Windows Live-Startseite unter zu öffnen? Gute Frage. Die Antwort lautet: das hängt von deinem Browser ab. Warum? Weil die Hintergrundgrafik (die „Welle“) anders dargestellt wird, je nachdem, welchen Browser du verwendest. Doch sieh es dir selbst an: Das ist Internet

The 256 colors experiment, Part II: Browser renderings

What happens when you try to access the Windows Live Home site at with 256 colors? Good question. The answer is: that depends on your browser. Why? Because the background art (the “wave”) is rendered differently, depending on what browser rendering engine is being used. But—have a look yourself:

The 256 colors experiment, Part I

Nowadays, displays offer a rich variety of colors, mostly 32-bit, allowing a multitude of 4,294,967,296 different colors—more than 4 billion! Graphic artists tend to use more and more of these possibilities. Messenger is one of them, especially in version 2009, also known as Wave 3. But if you have a