
Windows XP enters Extended Support Period

From April 14, 2009, onwards, Microsoft is retiring the Mainstream Support for Windows XP, covering all editions. Afterward, only critical bugs in Windows XP will be fixed. Many private people as well as companies love Windows XP so much that they don’t even think about changing to Windows Vista. However,

Changing clothes

Since yesterday, my blog has a new theme, designed by Picturepan2 (owner of I hope you enjoy the design as much as I do… Tell me your opinion about it. I also changed the blog tagline from “Messenger news, Windows tips, and more” to “Windows Live Enhanced”. If you’re

Bringing your own touch to the Windows Live Sign-in

Keeping your Corporate / Site Identity, while using Windows Live Authentication – this has not been possible in the past. The Authentication APIs, namely Web Authentication and Delegated Authentication, do not allow any changing of the Live Sign-in page to adopt your website design and thus a seamless transition while

Der Windows Live-Anmeldung deinen persönlichen Anstrich verleihen

Deine Firmen-/Seiten-Identität wahren und dennoch Windows Live Authentifizierung nutzen – dies war in der Vergangenheit nicht möglich. Die Authentifizierungs-APIs, nämlich Web-Authentifizierung und Delegated-Authentifizierung, erlauben keine Änderung der Live-Anmeldeseite, um dein Website-Design zu adoptieren und somit einen nahtlosen Übergang zu haben, während deine Besucher zu Windows Live und dann zurück zu

Ev0-entually a good Messenger 2009 skin

Will “Willz” Ingles – ever heard? The name, along with his brand “Design Evolved”, stands for polished Messenger skins. This tag surely applies for Will’s newest skin: Ev0 Cuatro (Ev0 4) is now available for download. Free Download: Ev0 Cuatro (1.3 MB) Note: This skin is compatible with Messenger 2009

„Freigegebene Informationen verwalten“ nun im Wave 3-Stil

Vor einigen Tagen wurde, die Schnittstelle, um Websites Zugriff auf Inhaltsanbieter (wie, Lesen deiner Kontakte, andere in deine Kontaktliste einladen, usw.) zu gewähren, im Wave 3-Stil aktualisiert. Du bekommst diese Seite jedoch meist nur dann zu Gesicht, wenn du dich bei einer Website anmeldest, die die Windows Live Delegated-Authentifizierung


I have created several scripts and tools—here is a small excerpt. Messenger Plus! Scripts Bible Quoter Provides access to bible quotes right in the chat window (supports: ESV, > KJV, NASB, NKJV). More info… Bing Searches Bing for a term and displays the result directly in the chat window. More

Plus! 4.80 released; thoughts on 5.0 start

Messenger Plus! Live 4.80 has left the Public Beta state and is now available for free download. It features full compatibility with Windows Live Messenger 2009, including scripts and skins. Free Download: Messenger Plus! Live 4.80.356 (4.80 MB) For those of you interested, here are the most important parts of

Dark forces around an intelligent guy?

In its issue of January 29, 2009, The Guardian has published a controversial, even critical essay on Patchou, the creator of Messenger Plus!. I found it worth reading, however decide yourself. The adware altercation Software developer Patchou provokes fierce opinions in cyberspace. His army of fans think he’s a genius;