
Hotmail—from 1996 to 2010 and further

In the past two years, Microsoft has spent more energy in making Windows Live Hotmail even better. The result proves that these efforts were not in vain. But—what does “better” mean? What is important for a modern e-mail service in 2010 and beyond?

This Week’s Thoughts: Securing your wireless network

Is a WLAN operator legally responsible for strangers connecting to his network and getting criminal? The Federal Court of Germany will decide on 12 May. Though, everybody should operate a secured wireless network — for your own interest and regardless of the court’s judgment.

100 phishers charged in largest cybercrime case

After investigating 53 people in the United Status and 47 more people worldwide for 2 years, the FBI has charged them in a large phishing case in the U.S. and Egypt.  According to the FBI, the U.S.-Egypt phishing operation collected personal information from thousands of victims and used that information

This Week’s Thoughts: Hidden data

Many people send texts, spreadsheets, photos and videos—while not knowing that they contain much information that other people can discover with ease and that might be indiscreet. Who has collaborated on the text? How often has it been revised? What camera and aperture has been used to take the photo?