
This Week’s Thoughts: Facebook and Privacy

Not a single week is passing without talks about privacy problems at Facebook. Not surprising, as the problems happening don’t have to be big ones — privacy problems can arise even when everything works smoothly, from Facebook’s viewpoint. Worldwide, more than 400 million people are registered at Facebook. And all of them deliver data 24/7 to the U.S.-based social network — sometimes even without wanting to, and sometimes even data about friends or relatives that do not know about it and do not want it to happen.

Google Buzz wants to become a social network

With presenting a new product (well, a Gmail extension) on Tuesday evening (9 February 2010), Google has started a little revolution, most reporters and bloggers agree. Google Buzz is the name of the new service, integrated into Gmail and going with the social community trend.

News For URL Shortening

The past days have been busy for URL shortening services. Both Google and Facebook had launched their own, semi-private URL shortening domains. After that, the market leader announced the Pro version for companies and businesses.