Yahoo!’s social bookmarking service Delicious has a future again. The original founders of YouTube, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, acquire the Delicious service as part of their new web company AVOS.
Tag: Bookmarks
Google offers bookmarks import tool for Delicious
Google now offers a tool to import bookmarks from Yahoo!’s social bookmarking service Delicious. This way, you can import your contents to Google Bookmarks.
How-to: Stay secure while using Hotmail
In recent days, e-mails from spammers have surfaced spreading malware. Getting your computer infected by malware might result in your password being compromised and your Windows Live ID subsequently hijacked and abused for sending more spam. How can you identify bad mail? Recognizing bad mail A typical virus e-mail has
Chrome 4 beta sincronizza i segnalibri nell’account Google
Hai mai visitato un sito a casa, ma dimenticando l’indirizzo una volta arrivati in ufficio? La versione attuale di Google Chrome può sincronizzare i tuoi segnalibri con l’account di Google, così ovunque tu sia, potrai avere accesso ai stessi segnalibri. La funzione somiglia a Mozilla Weave Sync, che fa lo
Chrome 4 beta sincroniza os favoritos com sua Conta do Google
mynetx ensina como usar a sincronização de favoritos, oculta no Google Chrome 4 beta.
Chrome 4 Beta synchronisiert Lesezeichen mit Google-Konto
Schon mal zuhause auf eine gute Seite gestoßen, und im Büro die Adresse vergessen? Die aktuelle Entwicklerversion von Google Chrome kann deine Lesezeichen mit deinem Google-Konto synchronisieren, so dass du überall wo du bist, Zugriff auf dieselben Lesezeichen hast. Die Funktion ähnelt Mozilla Weave Sync, was dies für Firefox ermöglicht.
Chrome 4 beta syncs bookmarks to Google Account
Did you ever visit a site at home, but forgot its address at the office? The current developer version of Google Chrome can synchronize your bookmarks with your Google account, so everywhere where you are, you have access to the same bookmark data. The feature resembles Mozilla Weave Sync, which