
Windows Live Sync released

The former Windows Live FolderShare has been renamed to Windows Live Sync and released to the public. When I installed the new client, however, I couldn’t find any differences to the old FolderShare, except for the Wave 3 sign-in wizard. The team reports some enhancements in its new Live Sync

Google Chrome nun keine Beta mehr

Nur einige Stunden nach der Ankündigung, dass Google Chrome bald das Beta-Stadium verlassen würde, hat Google seinen Browser auf Version aktualisiert. Viele OEM- und Hersteller-Partner haben auf diesen Schritt gewartet, denn das Ausliefern dieses Browsers, vorinstalliert auf neuen PCs, ist nur möglich mit einem Nicht-Beta-Browser. Aber sieh selber:

Google Chrome released out of beta

Only some hours after announcing that Google Chrome would leave the beta state soon, Google has updated their browser to version Many OEM and manufacturer partners have been awaiting that step as bundling the browser with new PCs is only possible with a non-beta browser. But check yourself:

Windows Live tips in the upcoming Release Candidate

The release candidate of Windows Live Messenger 2009, being expected for this week, will feature a new function to hint you how to use certain functions within Windows Live. This popup window will show you usage tips about the new Windows Live experience and won’t open on each sign-in, but

Live Wave 3 Rollout, Teil III: Übrige Webdienste

Lass uns die restlichen Dienste in einem Vorher-Nachher ansehen. Klicke auf die Bilder, um sie zu vergrößern. Windows Live Events Windows Live Home Windows Live Skydrive Windows Live Spaces Nun erwarten wir mit Spannung den Rest der Woche. Sie wird uns das komplette neue Set der Windows Live Essentials RCs,

Live Wave 3 rollout, Part III: Remaining services

Let’s take a look at the rest of the services in a After-Before mode. Click the images to enlarge them. Windows Live Events Windows Live Home Windows Live SkyDrive Windows Live Spaces Now we’re looking forward to the rest of the week. It will bring us the complete new set