
Instant update for SkyDrive

The Windows Live team has published an instant update for the web file storage Windows Live SkyDrive. Modern browsers and HTML5 make SkyDrive faster, easier to navigate, and more beautiful for viewing photos.

The 2010 Summary, Part I

Once again, a year is over — for me, 2010 was very interesting. Much has happened, including unforeseen events. Come with me on a timeline journey and let’s think back to the most interesting events in 2010!

Hotmail—from 1996 to 2010 and further

In the past two years, Microsoft has spent more energy in making Windows Live Hotmail even better. The result proves that these efforts were not in vain. But—what does “better” mean? What is important for a modern e-mail service in 2010 and beyond?

Google Docs Gets Free File Storage

The web office Google Docs will soon allow you to store any kind of files. Each file can take up to 250MB, and the total available space is 1GB. Up to now, you could only store Google Docs, PDFs and Picasa photos in Google’s cloud.