
This Week’s Thoughts: Tuning your browser

Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera or Chrome – there is more than one program to surf the Web. Chances are high that you too have your favorite browser. Or even more than one. Many people don’t know: Each browser is extensible nowadays. You can download small add-ons and customize your personal surfboard. Here is how it works and which extensions are most useful.

Microsoft-EU Browser Ballott: What do you think?

According to an agreement with the European Commission, Microsoft will give all Windows users in Europe the possibility to choose their favorite browser. From 17 March onwards, an update is delivered showing a ballott screen listing a number of browsers. On an exclusively created website, Microsoft presents all browsers installable for European Windows users. Even exotic browsers have managed to get on the list.

Browser Ballott: Microsoft and EU Might Come to Agreement

A contract to choose a default browser for Windows might be probable—revealed the financial news agency, Bloomberg in a report. “We’ve concluded our discussions with Microsoft,” Phillip Lowe, director general of the commission’s competition department, said in an interview at Brussels yesterday.